Online Safety
At Ryecroft we are continually looking at ways to support both parents and pupils in the safe and responsible use of the internet. Online Safety is a key part of both out PSHE and Computing curriculums and revisited throughout the year.
As teachers (and parents) we are aware of the ways in which the use of social media, online gaming and the internet have become part of young people’s lives and we embrace the educational and social benefits of these new technologies and encourage responsible internet use. We are also increasingly aware of the potential dangers and opportunities for misuse these technologies offer. Keeping open and honest discussions about the sites children are using and the ways in which they are using them remains key to ensuring their safety.
Please do speak to us in the academy if you have any concerns about anything your children are doing or experiencing on the internet.
Safer Internet day
In addition to our curriculum offer, each year we take part in Safer Internet Day. Please folloe the link for more information on the 2024 event.
Safer Schools – Free App
Please download the Safer Schools App which is free to all of Ryecroft parents and provides up to date information on internet and social media matters. Please see the downloadable file below with more information.
Digital Matters
Digital Matters is a free website which offers information and training around current internet safety matters.
Two useful videos which we would advise parents to watch are linked to cyber/online bullying and online relationships, which looks at healthy and unhealthy online relationships.
Useful Links
The official site of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). The site has advice and useful information and a link for reporting online abuse, exploitation or inappropriate images.
More links and advice for parents and children including resources linked to Safer Internet day.
NSPCCs own website with lots of safety advice including videos to watch with your children and a link to their work with O2.