Home Learning for Pupils
In the current times, we realise that there may be times when children are well but unable to attend school. This may be because: someone in their household has symptoms or has tested positive for Covid-19; someone in their household is waiting for test results; their class ‘bubble’ has been asked to self-isolate at home due to a positive case; we are subject to local or national restrictions which means school is not open to all pupils.
We realise that nothing can replace learning in person for children, however to ensure children miss out as little as possible we have developed procedures for home learning and remote education. In order for children to get the most out of home learning, then we need parents and carers to encourage and support them with accessing their lessons and completing work set.
Children are expected to participate fully in home learning whilst not at school unless you contact wither the class teacher or the school office.
We do understand that often it is necessary for children to share devices at home, so realise it is not always possible for children to access every Zoom lesson. In this case, they should follow the information shared on our learning platform Class Dojo and complete the work set. We use Tapestry in Early Years – Willows, Nursery and Reception.
- Home learning packs.
A home learning pack will be provided for children with work to cover their isolation period if the rest of their class is in school. We will let you know how you can collect them from school. Your child must return this to school once they are back, and will be given the chance to discuss their learning with a member of staff.
- Zoom lessons.
If your child’s whole class is isolating, daily Zoom learning with their class teacher will be arranged.
As well as that, students have had reading books set up for them on Reading Plus depending on the level they are reading at. To use it, simply log on, read a book and complete the quizzes during and at the end. The results will be sent to the class teacher’s account. Students will be given their user names and passwords. If you need them re-sending, please contact your class teacher.
For Maths, one of the apps we use is TTRockstars. It is an excellent way to learn your times tables in a fun and competitive way. All children were given login information and passwords for this. Again, if you have any problems with this then please do not hesitate to ask.
If you need any assistance at all with using the above resources or Zoom, please contact your class teacher and they will be happy to help.