Safeguarding at Ryecroft

The safety and welfare of all children and adults within the Academy is of paramount importance. It is the responsibility of all adults in school, staff, volunteers and visitors to protect the well-being and safety of every child in its care.

If you have a concern about the behaviour of an adult or another pupil in school, or a general health and safety query, please report this to one of the staff members below without delay. You may contact staff directly or via the main office.

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

If you have any safeguarding concerns about any pupil or adult at Ryecroft Primary Academy please contact the Safeguarding team

  • Adam Wood (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or
  • Helen Wrightson (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Hafsa Ali (Safeguarding Officer)

Please refer to our safeguarding policies found below for further information:

If you have any issues with the safeguarding at Ryecroft Primary Academy and/or wish to log a safeguarding concern when the school is closed or you are unable to get in contact with the school please click HERE

Prevent Strategy

Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes.  From July 2015, all schools have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism.

Below is the Parent Pamphlet we have sent out to all parents outlining what this means at Ryecroft and a link to the most recent advice from Bradford. The information provided on the site will provide people with knowledge of Prevent in Bradford, how to notice the signs of radicalisation and where to go for support. There are also links to very useful documents as well as information on the Channel programme that we hope people find useful.

Online Safety

Please press the button below for more information on internet safety.

Safeguarding in Sports

Project Encompass Information for parents

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