At Ryecroft Primary Academy we believe that developing strong reading skills is crucial for the children to develop a love of learning and to be able to access the wider curriculum.
What is Phonics?
Phonics is the study of sounds. Children are taught to read and write using phonics, linking the phonemes (sounds in words) and graphemes (the symbols used to represent them).
Phonics is taught across the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. For pupils still developing their word reading skills phonics support will continue into Key Stage Two. Phonics is taught daily for around 30 minutes and children will also access group reading sessions to develop their fluency.
What Phonics programme is used in school?
For the teaching of phonics we use the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) programme. Children are actively taught and supported to use phonics as the prime approach to decoding, avoiding the use of other strategies. Children should not need to resort to guessing or using the pictures or grammatical context.
Phase 1 and 2 Nursery (FS1)
From the moment they enter nursery, children are exposed to a variety of sounds throughout the day (environmental, instrumental) with the emphasis on talking and listening. Phase one in Nursery plays a vital role in a child’s introduction to phonics.
Phase 2 – 5 Reception (FS2)
Daily phonics lessons are taught from Reception, where children will be introduced to phonemes and graphemes. Reception incorporates Phases 2 – 5 throughout the year. They will develop their ability to segment and blend phonemes together to say a word. Opportunities for reading are provided through three guided reading sessions a week and endless opportunities for children to practice and apply their learning in provision. Children are provided with fully decodable books that are matched to their ability.
Phase 5 and 6 Year 1
In year 1, these skills are built upon further, where children are able to revisit prior phases of phonics and learning. In year 1, these skills are built upon further, where children are able to revisit prior phases of phonics and learning. They build upon that by learning alternative spelling and pronunciation. Daily phonics and daily interventions are given to children to help them in their phonics. Fully decodable books are an integral part of this strategy, as children participate in three guided reading sessions a week where they can practice their reading skills even further (based on the learning of that week) not only to embed their phonic knowledge but this allows to promote fluency. They are provided with books to take home that they can decode, as well as a book for pleasure. Phonics plays an important part in Year 1 as the Screening Test is taken during this year. Staff work closely with children and parents to provide as many opportunities as possible to revisit and apply their knowledge. We hope this provides children with the tools to achieve success in their screening. We want children to leave Year 1 with the confidence to read in a fluent manner.
Phase 5 alternative spellings and 6 Year 2
Year 2 consolidates all previous learning and expands upon it once again. Children are able to practice and revisit their knowledge and apply that to their reading and writing. The emphasis moves toward spellings, homophones and suffixes. Children are still provided with decodable books which help revisit and maintain good phonetic knowledge. Fluency is built up even further.
KS2 Phonics
Any child who is not a fluent reader or not predicted to be meeting ARE as they transition into KS2 continue to be assessed closely using ELS Tracker. These children receive a daily phonics intervention. Fully phonically decodable books are sent home with the children and are changed weekly to match new learning. Monthly assessments are completed to monitor the progress of the children.
Here is the handbook for ELS, where you can find the progression information.
Phonics Screening Check
What is the Phonics Screening Check?
The phonics screening check is a quick and easy check of your child’s phonics knowledge. It helps the school confirm whether your child has made the expected progress. It is administered when children are in Year 1 during the week Monday 10th June – Friday 15th June 2024.
What are ‘non/pseudo-words’?
The check will contain a mix of real words and ‘non-words’ or ‘pseudo-words’ (or ‘nonsense/alien words’). Children will be told before the check that there will be non-words that he or she will not have seen before. Many children will be familiar with this because many schools already use ‘non-words’ when they teach phonics. Non-words are important to include because words such as ‘vap’ or ‘jound’ are new to all children. Children cannot read the non-words by using their memory or vocabulary; they have to use their decoding skills.
After the check
The school will tell you about your child’s progress in phonics and how he or she has done in the screening check in the last half-term of Year 1.
If your child has found the check difficult, your child’s school should also tell you what support they have put in place to help him or her improve. You might like to ask how you can support your child to take the next step in reading.
Children who have not met the standard in Year 1 will retake the check in Year 2. All children are individuals and develop at different rates. The screening check ensures that teachers understand which children need extra help with phonic decoding.
You will find a link to a previous Phonics Screening Check below…
Early Reading Books
At Ryecroft Primary Academy we start children’s reading journey by providing every child that starts in Reception with an amazing book bag package that includes a book of nursery rhymes, a traditional story and a guide for supporting early phonics and reading at home.
In EYFS and KS1 children will be given a book that allows them to apply their phonics learning. The teacher will ensure that the book is decodable and contains the graphemes and tricky words that are needed to read the text. Your child should be able to read their ‘take home’ book with around 95% fluency, if a child struggles to read the book their comprehension and enjoyment of the text will be compromised.
Children should keep their reading book in their book bag and bring it to school every day. We encourage children to read at home every day.
Does the school pay for access to a reading site? If so enter the details here
You can also access free books on Oxford Owl.
Your child will also bring home a book to read for the purposes of developing their comprehension skills and ensuring children have an enjoyable and rich reading experience. Pupils are encouraged to select a book for themselves which an adult at home may read to them.